What is your refund policy?
To prevent abuse, we do not issue refunds.
Unfortunately this is because people will use our filters then request a refund afterwards.
Please try the free trial (no credit card required) before purchasing, so you can make sure it works on your computer and is a good fit for you. FilterOnMe requires significant computer resources.
To manage your subscriptions, go to the billing portal by clicking the Billing button inside the app or visit FilterOnMe.com/billing
If you're having problems with the app, please check our support center.
We will do our best to support you, but cannot troubleshoot or fix your computer.
Please note: We do not process refund requests via email and such emails will not receive a response. All subscription and billing matters must be handled through our billing portal at FilterOnMe.com/billing.
Our billing portal is hosted and managed by Stripe, our payment processor.
If you're having trouble logging in, please try our billing email finder.